Forum Discussion

Fallout1984's avatar
Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
Jan 08, 2021

Tmsh command - virtual address list vs virtual server IP list (discrepancy)

I'm doing an audit of the IPs in use by my F5 using tmsh commands, and am having trouble reconciling what I'm finding.


I'm using this command to list virtual addresses...

tmsh list ltm virtual-address address


And this one to list the vserver names with their destination addresses (to identify them):

tmsh list ltm virtual destination


I understand the vserver names/IPs output, but I don't know where some of those showing up as "virtual addresses" (tmsh list ltm virtual-address address) actually are. Might some of these be old vserver IPs that haven't fully been deleted?



  • Hello Alan.


    Yes, 'tmsh list ltm virtual-address' could include old IPs that for some unknown reason they weren't removed during the normal virtual deletion. Sometimes happens.

    REF -




  • Hello Alan.


    Yes, 'tmsh list ltm virtual-address' could include old IPs that for some unknown reason they weren't removed during the normal virtual deletion. Sometimes happens.

    REF -


