Forum Discussion

Jorge_Herran_14's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Jan 21, 2014

The call does not complete between and avaya aura and a sip server over a big ip-ltm

ISSUE There exist a problem in the establishment of a sip call. We are communicating an avaya aura sbc over a virtual BIG IP-LTM with a sip server using the port 5060. The sip invite pass correctly f...
  • Greg_Crosby_319's avatar
    Jan 21, 2014

    The Near-end Listen Port and Far-end Listen Port may have been modified within your Aura Signaling Group configuration. Here is an Avaya white paper where TELUS is the SIP service provider; buried down in the paper is a section that discusses Signaling group configuration. Avaya White Paper


    Try creating another virtual server (same address as your 5060 VS) and pool using port 5066 on the BIG-IP to see if your issue is resolved. You will most likely need to set your persistence to use "Match across services" to maintain client persistence to the same pool member.