Forum Discussion
Tableau Angular2 Integration
Has anyone tried building an Angular2 application with tableau
visualizations integrated in it using the Tableau JavaScript API?
According to the documentation, you're supposed to include the
following script in your file which will create a tableau global
- Techenoid_38611
We are going to utilize Tableau Javascript API for embedding the report.
The Tableau JavaScript API uses an object model. The entry point into the object model is to instantiate a new Viz object as follows:
var viz = new tableau.Viz( /* params omitted */ ); Steps to do Prerequisites — Get the visualization url of your Tableau report/dashboard
Let’s follow the below steps for embedding the report in Angular application:-
Step 1: Adding API file in index.html
As a first step we need to add the below Tableau API file in the index.html of our Angular application.
This seems like a question that would be better posed to a community like Stack Exchange.
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