Dec 28, 2011Nimbostratus
System.VCMP.VCMPCompletionStatus structure
Hi Chaps
I hope you are all well.
I am doing some work using iControl on perl (SOAP::Lite) to create vCMP instances and am a bit stuck with accessing the data structure returned by System.VCMP.get_completion_status.
I can see it clearly using Data::Dumper, but cant seem to get the code right to be able to access the hash elements.
$VAR1 = [
bless( [
bless( {
'request_complete' => 'true',
'comment' => '',
'status' => 'VCMP_STATUS_RUNNING',
'requested_state' => 'VCMP_GUEST_STATE_DEPLOYED',
'slot_id' => 1
}, 'System::VCMP::VCMPCompletionStatus' )
], 'System::VCMP::VCMPCompletionStatus[]' )
Could anybody suggest an example?
Many thanks!