Forum Discussion

Ross_79170's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 28, 2011

System.VCMP.VCMPCompletionStatus structure

Hi Chaps



I hope you are all well.



I am doing some work using iControl on perl (SOAP::Lite) to create vCMP instances and am a bit stuck with accessing the data structure returned by System.VCMP.get_completion_status.



I can see it clearly using Data::Dumper, but cant seem to get the code right to be able to access the hash elements.



$VAR1 = [


bless( [


bless( {


'request_complete' => 'true',


'comment' => '',


'status' => 'VCMP_STATUS_RUNNING',


'requested_state' => 'VCMP_GUEST_STATE_DEPLOYED',


'slot_id' => 1


}, 'System::VCMP::VCMPCompletionStatus' )


], 'System::VCMP::VCMPCompletionStatus[]' )





Could anybody suggest an example?



Many thanks!





  • Mark_Worrell_98's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Here's a perl example that should get you going:



    @list = @{$soap_response->result};



    foreach $guest (0 .. $list) {


    $ref = $list[$guest];


    $n = @$ref - 1;


    printf(STDOUT "Guest: %s\n", $opt_n);


    foreach $slot (0 .. $n) {


    $foo = $list[$guest][$slot];



    $slot_id = $foo->{"slot_id"};


    $requested_state = $foo->{"requested_state"};


    $request_complete = $foo->{"request_complete"};


    $status = $foo->{"status"};


    $comment = $foo->{"comment"};



    printf(STDOUT "Slot ID: %s\n", $slot_id);


    printf(STDOUT "Requested State: %s\n", $requested_state);


    printf(STDOUT "Request Complete: %s\n", $request_complete);


    printf(STDOUT "Status: %s\n", $status);


    printf(STDOUT "Comment: %s\n", $comment);




  • Mark_Worrell_98's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Let's try that again and see if the system will preserve the indentation:




    @list = @{$soap_response->result};



    foreach $guest (0 .. $list) {


    $ref = $list[$guest];


    $n = @$ref - 1;


    printf(STDOUT "Guest: %s\n", $opt_n);


    foreach $slot (0 .. $n) {


    $foo = $list[$guest][$slot];



    $slot_id = $foo->{"slot_id"};


    $requested_state = $foo->{"requested_state"};


    $request_complete = $foo->{"request_complete"};


    $status = $foo->{"status"};


    $comment = $foo->{"comment"};



    printf(STDOUT "Slot ID: %s\n", $slot_id);


    printf(STDOUT "Requested State: %s\n", $requested_state);


    printf(STDOUT "Request Complete: %s\n", $request_complete);


    printf(STDOUT "Status: %s\n", $status);


    printf(STDOUT "Comment: %s\n", $comment);




  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Mark,



    Try putting the code in [ code ] [/ code ] blocks (without the spaces).



  • Mark_Worrell_98's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Thanks! Let's see how this looks:

    @list = @{$soap_response->result}; 
    foreach $guest (0 .. $list) { 
    $ref = $list[$guest]; 
    $n = @$ref - 1; 
    printf(STDOUT "Guest: %s\n", $opt_n); 
    foreach $slot (0 .. $n) { 
    $foo = $list[$guest][$slot]; 
    $slot_id = $foo->{"slot_id"}; 
    $requested_state = $foo->{"requested_state"}; 
    $request_complete = $foo->{"request_complete"}; 
    $status = $foo->{"status"}; 
    $comment = $foo->{"comment"}; 
    printf(STDOUT "Slot ID: %s\n", $slot_id); 
    printf(STDOUT "Requested State: %s\n", $requested_state); 
    printf(STDOUT "Request Complete: %s\n", $request_complete); 
    printf(STDOUT "Status: %s\n", $status); 
    printf(STDOUT "Comment: %s\n", $comment); 
  • Mark_Worrell_98's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    One more shot with spaces...

    @list = @{$soap_response->result}; 
    foreach $guest (0 .. $list) { 
        $ref = $list[$guest]; 
        $n = @$ref - 1; 
        printf(STDOUT "Guest: %s\n", $opt_n); 
        foreach $slot (0 .. $n) { 
            $foo = $list[$guest][$slot]; 
            $slot_id = $foo->{"slot_id"}; 
            $requested_state = $foo->{"requested_state"}; 
            $request_complete = $foo->{"request_complete"}; 
            $status = $foo->{"status"}; 
            $comment = $foo->{"comment"}; 
            printf(STDOUT "Slot ID: %s\n", $slot_id); 
            printf(STDOUT "Requested State: %s\n", $requested_state); 
            printf(STDOUT "Request Complete: %s\n", $request_complete); 
            printf(STDOUT "Status: %s\n", $status); 
            printf(STDOUT "Comment: %s\n", $comment); 
  • That's Perfect.



    Thank you very much - I wouldn't have gotten there on my own!



    Kind Regards


