Forum Discussion
Jan 24, 2012Synthetic Monitor for Oracle 12rak
Hi Everyone,
I have LTM units running IOS version 11.1.0 and I am using it for multiple Citrix , lyncs, MS Exchange etc, recently I used it for Oracle 12 rak but unlike citrix and MSExchange there are no synthetic monitors for oracle which can take the user name and password and then login to the application at the back end to mark the server as up or down. Has anyone created a synthetic monitor for Oracle setup if yes can you please share.
- Ron_Carovano_75Historic F5 AccountHi Techgeeeg,
- Techgeeeg
Hi Ron, - Ron_Carovano_75Historic F5 AccountThis is what is published for E-Business Suite:
- Techgeeeg
Hi Ron, - Ron_Carovano_75Historic F5 AccountYep, I understand what you are seeking, but unfortunately it is not available in the published deployment guides. That's about as much help as I can offer until someone else chimes in.
- Techgeeeg
Thanks Ron for your reply.... I believe F5 should work with Oracle to include this monitor in the Oracle deployment plan as it is the ryt way to monitor the servers and should be available. - Ron_Carovano_75Historic F5 AccountWe will make it a priority for the next update to the Deployment Guide.
- Techgeeeg
I hope i see it sooonnnn - AKKO_115469
Hi Guys,
For instance is this the typical approach:
- Chris_Akker_129Historic F5 Account
Yes, that is the typical approach. If checking the login page in insufficient to determine database availability, then you have to go further into the application with a URL that will pass login paramters and that should tell you if the database is up. Your reference to the EBS advanced health check post is a very good example of how to do this:
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