Forum Discussion

Rene_Babineau_2's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 23, 2017

Synchronize my custom Dashboards with all my device



I have two F5 BigIP LTM in a device group. Lets call then LTM1 and LTM2. I have created some custom dashboards on LTM1 at some point in time when LTM1 was the active device. However, now LTM2 is the active device and my custom dashboard are not available. If I login to the standby device LTM1 my dashboard still exist. How can I get my custom dashboard to synchronize with the device group? or if not possible, can I manually copy the custom dashboard from one device to another?


  • Found the answer to my question...


    The custom dashboards are save in a .f5d file under /config/dashboard/viewSets/ folder. Just need to copy the file over to the other device.


  • Found the answer to my question...


    The custom dashboards are save in a .f5d file under /config/dashboard/viewSets/ folder. Just need to copy the file over to the other device.