Forum Discussion

Yozzer's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 17, 2012

sub domain session cookies

Just a bit of background on what i hope an irule can help me to achieve.



I want to send SAML tokens to a sub domain and the resulting session cookie that’s returned from a successful login needs to appear to be from the domain not the sub domain. Is this possible? Both domains will be able to access the same DB so the session cookie set from the sub domain can be read by the host domain.



As an example, is the site that i want to login to. To login i need to send SAML tokens to a sub domain called This sub domain will then process the SAML token and return a session cookie. Can i use an irule to set the returned session cookie for the host domain ( instead of from the sub domain (





  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Yozzer,



    You can set the domain on a cookie using HTTP::cookie domain in HTTP_RESPONSE:





  • Yozzer's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus



    I found the following irule on the forum to set all cookies to a different domain (not sub domain):



    when HTTP_RESPONSE {



    Loop through each response cookie by name



    foreach aCookie [HTTP::cookie names] {



    Set the domain on the cookie to .host



    HTTP::cookie domain $aCookie ""









    When i tested it I can see the domain request ( has been added to the cookies using tamper data:



    Set-Cookie: Cookie=12345&PrevPageID=1&PrevURL=;; path=/



    But when i looked at Firefox in the cookie container, it hadnt been set for the address which is what i was expecting however i couldnt see the cookie associated with the new domain.



    how do i know if its been set?





  • But when i looked at Firefox in the cookie container, it hadnt been set for the address which is what i was expecting however i couldnt see the cookie associated with the new domain.just wondering if browser allows cross domain cookie.
  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    I'm fairly sure the browser should accept a cookie set for in response to a request made to





    Are both hosts on the same domain?


