Forum Discussion
Apr 12, 2012string range arguments
Hi, I'm trying to capture the first x-forwarded-for header value in an http request. There's probably a more efficient way to do this, but this is what I came up with:
if { [HTTP::header exists X-Forwarded-For] } then
set header_values [HTTP::header values X-Forwarded-For]
log local0. "X-Forwarded-For exists, value = $header_values"
set no_of_headers [HTTP::header count X-Forwarded-For]
log local0. "Number of X-Forwarded-For headers is $no_of_headers"
if { $no_of_headers > 0 } then
set blank_index [ string wordstart $header_values " " ]
log local0. "Blank index = $blank_index"
set client_addr [ string range $header_values 0 [ expr {$blank_index - 1} ] ]
unset blank_index
set client_addr $header_values
log local0. "Client addr = $client_addr"
unset header_values no_of_headers
set client_addr [IP::client_addr]
log local0. "No X-Forwarded-For exists, client addr = $client_addr"
unset client_addr
So I check to see if there is more than one header, and if so get the index of the first blank space in the string of header values, then do a string range from the beginning of the string of values to the index of the first space minus 1.
But I get the following error: "Rule [display-x-forwarded-for] error: line 10: [invalid index: should be integer or "end"] [" "]." And for all I know I may be making other mistakes that I haven't gotten to yet.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks much,
- Antony_413
How are you getting multiple X-forwarder-For? I'm asking because I thought its only put into the header by the Layer7 once on the way through to the backend server and it is stripped there (and not echoed back to client). - Antony_413
It looks like to me you are just trying to locally log the Client IP from the xForwarder for the connection. XForwarder is pertinent after the autoSNAT going to the back end server. At the front end when the dicrete ClientPC->VIP connection is made, the client IP is available there, the only case I can think of at moment is where you accept a connection on on VIP, add X-Forwarder and you bounce that connection to another VIP. - hoolio
Hi Wayne,when HTTP_REQUEST { scan [HTTP::header values x-forwarded-for] {%d.%d.%d.%d%*s} a b c d set first_xff $a.$b.$c.$d }
- Antony_413
Aaron, can you ellaborate how you can get more than one xff ? - wlepkin_98758
- hoolio
Any client or intermediate device can insert any HTTP header. And the XFF header isn't formalized in an RFC. So you can get a lot of variation in how different devices handle XFF insertions. Some devices will append the client IP they receive in the IP header to an existing XFF header (if one or more is present already). Others might insert a new XFF header. That header could be inserted before or after existing XFF headers.when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::header values x-forwarded-for] ne "" } { set xff_first_ip [lindex [split [lindex [HTTP::header values x-forwarded-for] 0] ", "] 0] Breakdown of commands: [HTTP::header values x-forwarded-for] - Get all XFF header value(s) with each header in a list element [lindex [HTTP::header values x-forwarded-for] 0] - Get the first XFF header value from the list [split [lindex [HTTP::header values x-forwarded-for] 0] ", "] - Split the first XFF header value on commas and/or spaces [lindex [split [lindex [HTTP::header values x-forwarded-for] 0] ", "] 0] - Get the first list element from the above split } }
profile http sanitized_xff_http { defaults from http header insert "x-forwarded-for: [IP::client_addr]" header erase "x-forwarded-for" }
- Antony_413
Thanks Aaron for a complete response and expanding on it. - hoolio
Hi Antony,
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