Forum Discussion

Cledir_Justo_14's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 11, 2014


We have two devices BigIP 7200V awaiting for a migration (6900 to 7200v), we load the UCS file of the old device to 7200v. All interfaces are down except the sync, the two devices are Online/Standy status, this is normal? Maybe because the devices don´t have VS's or interfaces UP???


We are trying to minimize problems in the day of migration.




  • You may have vlan failsafe configured, or are using HA groups. If this is the case, and a failover condition is met, then the device is not eligible to become active.


  • Robin_Mordasie1's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    You may have vlan failsafe configured, or are using HA groups. If this is the case, and a failover condition is met, then the device is not eligible to become active.
  • Robin_Mordasie1's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    You may have vlan failsafe configured, or are using HA groups. If this is the case, and a failover condition is met, then the device is not eligible to become active.