Forum Discussion

Wally_Steadman_'s avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 08, 2012

Standby device showing NOT WATCHED

Greetings all,


I have a pair of LTM 1600's v11.2 HF1, configured and everything seems to be working fine, I am just trying to understand something I am seeing on the GUI.



When I am logged into the active box and I go to Device Management >> Device >> and I click the link for the standby device, it opens up the information screen and under that status, I can hold my mouse over the icon and it shows the device is in standby, but right next to that it says "not watched" and I am trying to understand what "not watched" means.



I have attached a screen shot of the view I am seeing if that helps.



Thanks in advance. Your assistance is appreciated.







  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Wally,



    I couldn't find any info on the 'not watched' status. Can you open a case with F5 Support on this?



    Thanks, Aaron
  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
    Hmm... I can duplicate this...



    Inadvertantly admittedly. With an EM 3.0.0HF1 pair that I just put into a device group... I haven't found why yet...



  • Hi,



    Do you have a serial cable connected between both units and network failover configured (in System -> High Availability -> Device Connectivity -> Network Failover or Device Management -> Devices -> -> Device Connectivity -> Failover), but not activated (in Device Management -> Device Groups -> -> Failover; Network Failover is not checked)?



    I'm seeing this in 11.2.0 HF2 on a pair of 3900's.




