Forum Discussion

Jim_Araujo_1061's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 26, 2015

Standalone GTMs in different DMZ with Different ISPs

Is there a way for the GTMs to detect a unplink is down based simply on ICMP ping?. The scenario I am trying to solve is we have two GTMs in standalone mode. Both are have Listener's in different DMZ...
  • TJ_Vreugdenhil_'s avatar
    Feb 26, 2015

    I have ran into the exact same scenario. I'm trying to recall what I did to fix it.

    A few things:

    1) Don't use the bigip_link monitor(I believe that is specifically for link controllers), use the gateway_icmp or if doesn't give you the option in the WebUI, add it via the CLI.  Or create a new custom monitor. (may have to configure it as a transparent). 
    2) Instead of using use the next hop HSRP address (or one more hop above that) of your provider as the uplink address, and make sure you can traceroute and reach the address from the GTM. 
    3) I believe there was also an issue in 11.5.1 that may be resolved with the latest hotfix for this. 

    Let us know.

    Thanks! TJ