Forum Discussion

Mohit_Pathk's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 18, 2016

SSL Handshake failure

Hello, I need help with one situation.


We have one application behind F5. We are terminating SSL on F5. When we access application through normal web browser we get desired output. But when we try the same application with SoapUI we do not get the output.


we tried to debug and packet capture and we found that SSL handshake failure causes the issue. with my limited knowledge I tried to extract ssldump and output shows that ssl failure occurred, but i am not able to find out the reason for the same.


below you can find the output of ssldump: please let me know if you have any suggestion to troubleshoot the issue further:


  • The odd thing is that you're actually completing the SSL handshake (it's the application_data messages). And it looks like you're doing mutual (client certificate) authentication successfully.

    Since you're doing an RSA handshake, you should be able to put the server's private key into the SSLDUMP and attempt to decrypt.

    ssldump -AdNn -i [interface] -k [path to private key] port 443 [and additional filters]

    There's something happening just after the handshake that's causing the issue, so it'll help to see the decrypted payload.

  • Is that SoapUI access is FQDN? If yes do you have SSL trusted root CA loaded in the client machine where the soap calls running from?




  • New TCP connection 1: 106.yy.yy.yy(13829) <-> 193.xx.xx.xx(443)
        1 1  0.4599 (0.4599)  C>S  Handshake
                Version 3.1
                cipher suites
                Unknown value 0xc009
                Unknown value 0xc013
                Unknown value 0xc004
                Unknown value 0xc00e
                Unknown value 0xc007
                Unknown value 0xc011
                Unknown value 0xc002
                Unknown value 0xc00c
                Unknown value 0xc008
                Unknown value 0xc012
                Unknown value 0xc003
                Unknown value 0xc00d
                Unknown value 0xff
                compression methods
        1 2  0.4599 (0.0000)  S>C  Handshake
                Version 3.1
                cipherSuite         TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
                compressionMethod                   NULL
        1 3  0.4599 (0.0000)  S>C  Handshake
        1 4  0.4599 (0.0000)  S>C  Handshake
                certificate_types                   rsa_sign
                certificate_types                   dss_sign
                certificate_types                 unknown value
        1 5  0.4599 (0.0000)  S>C  Handshake
        1 6  1.5298 (1.0699)  C>S  Handshake
        1 7  1.5486 (0.0187)  C>S  Handshake
                  xx 6f d1 cb e5 17 08 d4 4f 90 bd b1 e2 15 f4 0b
                  9e 7f 25 a8 2e f0 a7 1e e0 c7 22 73 37 51 eb d0
                  4c 76 0b ac c2 94 a2 aa 0f 0b 1d 8f 1f 0d 03 68
                  5d 1a b2 d4 e9 59 6d e5 8f b1 9d da c8 d2 55 77
                  5c 7c 43 9f 12 28 15 e6 52 5c cc b4 bf 28 d6 93
                  cd f9 2e ef 42 00 5c 4a bd 38 12 b7 b7 6b cc bb
                  43 a2 18 01 8a ba 55 1d 64 d2 34 a4 26 b1 63 8e
                  e9 c0 4b 26 b8 d3 34 13 df f8 dc 9c 77 59 80 17
                  be cc af 69 3a 99 50 e4 03 9c 8d 03 48 59 1c fb
                  dd ad 05 52 bf b3 b0 49 76 25 01 67 ad bf b2 20
                  03 d2 96 01 4a 21 d2 91 e1 27 ba c5 b0 f2 85 df
                  c6 3c 46 e4 5d 14 8a 7b 42 65 bf 7c 60 7d d8 06
                  3b 4a 86 41 a7 86 98 53 8f d6 fe 14 f4 82 27 6a
                  07 2c f8 24 68 52 ee e9 2c d0 68 f2 a0 7c 4f 62
                  ea 3f eb cd 01 dd cf 20 48 a2 fd b2 77 f3 9a 44
                  06 52 58 c8 52 75 e3 c2 a6 f2 d0 76 17 58 e3 42
        1 8  1.5486 (0.0000)  C>S  ChangeCipherSpec
        1 9  1.5486 (0.0000)  C>S  Handshake
        1 10 1.5498 (0.0012)  S>C  ChangeCipherSpec
        1 11 1.5498 (0.0000)  S>C  Handshake
        1 12 2.0189 (0.4690)  C>S  application_data
        1 13 2.0204 (0.0015)  S>C  application_data
        1    2.0205 (0.0000)  S>C  TCP FIN
        1 14 2.3787 (0.3582)  C>S  Alert
        New TCP connection 2: 106.yy.yy.yy(13829) <-> 193.xx.xx.xx(443)
        2 1  0.4902 (0.4902)  C>S  Handshake
                Version 3.1
                cipher suites
                Unknown value 0xc009
                Unknown value 0xc013
                Unknown value 0xc004
                Unknown value 0xc00e
                Unknown value 0xc007
                Unknown value 0xc011
                Unknown value 0xc002
                Unknown value 0xc00c
                Unknown value 0xc008
                Unknown value 0xc012
                Unknown value 0xc003
                Unknown value 0xc00d
                Unknown value 0xff
                compression methods
        2 2  0.4902 (0.0000)  S>C  Handshake
                Version 3.1
                cipherSuite         TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
                compressionMethod                   NULL
        2 3  0.4902 (0.0000)  S>C  Handshake
        2 4  0.4902 (0.0000)  S>C  Handshake
                certificate_types                   rsa_sign
                certificate_types                   dss_sign
                certificate_types                 unknown value
        2 5  0.4902 (0.0000)  S>C  Handshake
        2 6  0.9097 (0.4195)  C>S  Handshake
        2 7  0.9097 (0.0000)  C>S  ChangeCipherSpec
        2 8  0.9097 (0.0000)  C>S  Handshake
        2 9  0.9098 (0.0000)  S>C  Alert
            level           fatal
            value           handshake_failure
        2    0.9098 (0.0000)  S>C  TCP FIN
        2    1.1489 (0.2391)  C>S  TCP FIN