Forum Discussion
SSL certificates Expiration
I run below SSL expiration certifiacate script on LTM with 11.x version
! /bin/bash set acceptable threshold in seconds (172800 seconds = 2 days)threshold=185920000
get today's datethis_date=
date +%s
set path to certificates
for f in $cert_path*.crt do this_cert_date_literal=
openssl x509 -in $f -noout -enddate |sed s/notAfter=//
this_cert_date=date -d "$this_cert_date_literal" +%s
if [ $this_date -ge $(($this_cert_date - $threshold)) ]
expires_when=$(((this_cert_date - $this_date) / 60 / 60 / 24))
echo "$f is about to expire in $expires_when days"
additional processing for expiring certs goes here
But get no output as such.Please suggest.
2 Replies
The certs were moved in version 11, they are no longer in /config/ssl/ssl.crt.
I believe they are now in now in /config/filestore, but a better way is probably to use tmsh to do this
Assuming you're referring to this post:
Use the first script posted. The second example (what you have above) is for 10.x.
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