Forum Discussion

Anthony's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 18, 2020

Space in /var on physical device

I have been trying to run a BIGIP upgrade and keep getting stuck at the final part of the install where it checks for space in /var. This seems to be when the config has been put into a ucs and it wants to extract it. We have symlinked /var/local/ucs to a different location but it still fails as it seems to check just /var. We have removed everything possible but cannot get it to a point where there is enough space to work.


What solutions is there for this problem on a physical device? As I understand it you can only resize /var on a VE.


Thanks in advance

  • Can you run this and see the top files of /var,

    find /var/ -xdev -type f -exec du {} \; | sort -rn | head -10 

    • Anthony's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      [root@DEVICE:Standby:In Sync] / # find /var/ -xdev -type f -exec du {} \; | sort -rn | head -10

      54000   /var/ts/var/install/ts_db.save_dir_10714.cstmp/

      38436   /var/lib/rpm/Packages

      32912   /var/apm/www/webtop/public/download/linux_policyserver.tar

      30836   /var/local/pem/dtos/tacdb.bin

      27992   /var/db/mcpdb.bin

      27144   /var/apm/www/webtop/public/download/linux_oesisInspector.tar

      20248   /var/apm/www/webtop/public/download/mac_policyserver.tar

      16520   /var/apm/www/webtop/public/download/mac_oesisInspector.tar

      16156   /var/lib/hsqldb/live-update/liveupdatedb.log

      11136   /var/ts/var/sync/sync_1608564863_a8187e97ae17ce3321f97c3c57a2f7b1_full_update


      • The 1st file is 540 MB huge and /var/ts/ tells me its ASM related file. It could be the number of policies in your ASM. I dont think you can delete this. Other files are just in few MB's, deleting them wouldn't make any difference.


        When a UCS files goes above 500MB it often causes issues. Well you can still control what can be tar'ed by editing the cs.dat files, but it would have its adverse effects equally. I wouldn't want to touch with ASM as its security related. Also try to untar the UCS file and see which files have been archived and taking huge space. Not everything in /var goes into UCS. The cs.dat file controls what goes into ucs. Hope this info helps.


        Can you also share the liveinstall log file output for errors, this might give us direct hint on the failures. Does it indicate a specific error ?


        I'd wait for other engineers to shed their inputs.