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Herman2024's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Jan 27, 2025

some questions on device Trust Certificate?

hi, I have two questions on device trust certificates (client cert). 

  1. why there are duplicate certificates on Device Trust Certificate list? I saw duplicate gtm device certificates in LTM devices.
  2. is it true that only gtm device certificate is sent to ltm device, and reverse "no" -- no ltm device certificate in gtm Device Trust Certificate list? I checked out gtm and ltm devices for our different regions, no ltm device certificate is on any gtm Device Trust Certificate list. 

Can someone please help advise, thanks in advance!

  • Hi Herman2024,

    If the certificate is the same, you can delete it, but before saving a UCS, duplication could happen in the bigip_add process if it were executed a couple of times, or maybe someone in your company uploaded the certificate after the bigip_add, but it is a little weird. I recommend you generate new self-signed certificates with the name of the hosts for the LTM and GTM devices to avoid generic certificates with the same name.

  • Herman2024,

    about your questions:

    1. review the serial number of the certificates. You are probably looking at the certificates from your GTM devices, but the certificate name has never been changed.
    2. The GTM-DNS stores the LTM-GTM certificates in other locations, you have to go to: DNS > GSLB > Servers > Trusted Server Certificates

    I hope this answers your questions.


    • Herman2024's avatar
      Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

      Hi Sebastiansierra ,thanks a lot for your kind advice. Regarding the question on the duplicate certificates, I have checked the serial numbers of cert, and really there is duplicate cert in Device Trust Certificate list on LTM -- same serial number, and other parameters. Can you please advise the possible cause of duplicate certificates? Thanks in advance!

      • Hi Herman2024,

        If the certificate is the same, you can delete it, but before saving a UCS, duplication could happen in the bigip_add process if it were executed a couple of times, or maybe someone in your company uploaded the certificate after the bigip_add, but it is a little weird. I recommend you generate new self-signed certificates with the name of the hosts for the LTM and GTM devices to avoid generic certificates with the same name.