Forum Discussion

zhechev_229888's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 26, 2019

SNMP query about Active F5 Modules or via scripts or API ?

Hello All,


I've a bunch of F5 devices and I need to get Information about Active modules. I thought about SNMP query or use API (I'm not sure how to use it) or write napalm / netmiko script for it. What do you think about those ideas? What is the correct OID for receiving this information.


Best Regards!


  • try these.

    curl -sku :  https:///mgmt/tm/sys/provision|python -m json.tool
    curl -sku :  https:///mgmt/tm/sys/license|python -m json.tool
  • try these.

    curl -sku :  https:///mgmt/tm/sys/provision|python -m json.tool
    curl -sku :  https:///mgmt/tm/sys/license|python -m json.tool
    • zhechev_229888's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      It probably will work but I receive "Permission denied" for those that I've tested, so I should try something else.


      Thanks for the replay!


    • Kalo_52732's avatar
      Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus

      Hi, so it will be a second option. (pls change "localhost" to your bigip's address)

      snmpwalk -c public localhost -v2c F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB::sysModuleAllocationProvisionLevel
      snmpwalk -c public localhost -v2c F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB::sysSysDeviceActiveModules
      snmpwalk -c public localhost -v2c .
      snmpwalk -c public localhost -v2c .