Forum Discussion

satish_txt_2254's avatar
May 13, 2017

SIP proxy stateless or stateful question

Currently we are running SIP dispatcher (kamailio) stateless for SIP load-load balancing and we are planning to replace it with BIG-IP F5 load-balancer now question is how does F5 use stateful or stateless transaction because we have very high volume SIP traffic and i don't want to overload F5 with sip transactions, all i want it just route SIP messages and forget about it, don't track of transaction. any idea?


  • Hi Satish,


    F5 does not maintain any SIP transactions (F5 is stateless). F5 can maintain persistence or stickyness to send all subsequent request with same call-id to same proxy server.




    Syed Nazir


  • Thanks for you reply! We have very high volume sip traffic so I was worried if it hold transaction or dialogs in memory then it will be big problem in F5