Forum Discussion

DamP_320463's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 09, 2019

SIP proxy RTP issue

Hi Devcentral,


I would like to ask your help for a difficult issue with SIP load balanced through F5.


The scenario si the following:


  • BIG-IP acts as a SIP proxy for SBCE (Internet to SBCE)
  • BIG-IP use source NAT for server side connection
  • SIP Registration is fine, RTP audio connection is not working.

I tried to dig in devcentral without any working solution, so it could be very tricky or very simple, maybe I am missing something.


I tried everything and I think the issue is related to SDP IP addresses in SIP payload, I need to replace the IP addresses embedded with the SNAT IP of the F5. I tried to use the following parameters but without any success.


Thank you in advance.




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