Forum Discussion

Srikanta_255456's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 22, 2016

SIP 200 OK dropped when used NAT rules in LTM.

In one of our customer deployment, where BIG-IP LTM is used, sometime we have noticed that for certain SIP MESSAGE packets when 200 OK is received from SIP server, then LTM is dropping the 200 OK when NAT is configured.


All the flow is happening over UDP.


Can you please indicate any troubleshoot guide by which we can identify the possible reason of packet drop.


does LTM has capability to identify SIP 200 OK of SIP MESSAGE only and due to some miss configuration it will get dropped.


Please help


  • Hi Srikanta,

    Normally F5 will drop the request if the response from backend server has change the IP / port from where F5 has send the request.