Aug 03, 2012Altostratus
SharePoint Issues with F5 LTM and APM.
Hi everyone,
Is there a way for the APM to pass-through credentials to a server for users that are already logged in to their domain computers with domain credentials?
We have a new SharePoint 2010 site that is being used internally and externally. Right now everyone needs to authenticate through the F5 before accessing the site. However, I want people who are already logged in to the domain to not have to go through the extra login step each time. If the users browse via netbios name, the credentials are passed through and no login is needed - however, I would rather not have users browsing to sites in that fashion.
My second issue is my calendar items are not working properly when pumped through the F5. For instance, when users try to interact with the calendar (clicking to the next month, etc) it just says "Loading..." indefinitely. I have gone through the deployment guide and added a snippet of code as an iRule that was identified as correcting a similar issue with the top-bar Ribbon, but it doesn't seem to have any effect on this particular problem. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!