Jan 18, 2006Nimbostratus
Selective Source NATing
I have one BigIP system running 9.1 on which I've deployed the following iRule to turn on source NATing based on a particular source address:
if { [IP::addr [IP::remote_addr] equals ""] } {
snat (or automap)
} else {
snat none
This works great. I need to duplicate this functionality in 4.5. 4.5 doesn't appear to have a snat command, but a hidden version of snatpool seems to exist. I was thinking of something like:
snatpool internal_snat_pool {
if (client_addr == netmask {
use snatpool internal_snat_pool
use pool
Does this sound reasonable? The only bummer is that It appears I'd have to have one of these rules for every virtual server, where as in 9.x I can reuse the same rule over and over.