Forum Discussion

Jeremy_Bridges_'s avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 05, 2009

SCOM F5 Objects Not Consistent with Objects on F5

We have been working with the F5 management pack for a while in our DEV environment and have just set it up in QA. In both environments, we have noticed that the objects that are discovered in SCOM are not always consistent with the objects that have been added to the F5.



For instance, there are Virtual Servers and pools that are on the F5 and are taking traffic that aren't discovered in SCOM. Other Virtual Servers are discovered but their status is forever "Unmonitored". We have also found pools in SCOM that contain old pool members that use to be in pool on the F5 but aren't any more.



We are using management pack



We want to get this fixed. It is not acceptable for us to put this management pack into our production environment if it is going to produce unreliable results. Please get back to us a your earliest convienence.