Forum Discussion
Salesforce Parameter Exception Question
We are rolling out a Salesforce application and we have a request that is being blocked due to a parameter in the following format:
{"ORDER_HEADER":{"INVOICE_HEADER":{"APPLICATION":"Some Application Name","APPLICATION_USER":"Some User ID","INVOICE_NBR":"some invoice number"}}}
I've never created a parameter exception to handle a parameter in that format. I thought creating a parameter using a regular expression would be the way to go, but I'm not sure if that's the right approach.
Any advice you have on how to handle parameters like this would be greatly appreciated as I think we may see this again in the future.
- Simon_Blakely
That looks like a JSON value:
You can create an explicit Parameter, set the Parameter Value Type to JSON and apply a JSON profile
- Cory_Blankenshi
Thanks S Blakely,
I've never created a JSON profile so I'll give the documentation a read and see if I can figure it out. I wasn't sure if a JSON profile was the right way to go considering that the parameter format was close to nested JSON formatting but it didn't look quite right.
- Simon_Blakely
I'm not entirely sure either, but it is where I would start.
Or push back on the developer/implemention team and get them to explain what the parameter contains ;-)
- Cory_Blankenshi
That's a pretty close version of what the parameter names are, so they'll probably tell me about the same as what I can glean from the error. In the event that JSON profile isn't the path forward, what would your back up plan be?
- Simon_Blakely
I'd need to see the request/response and violation details before I'd start thinking about backup plans.
I'm pretty sure a JSON profile suitably applied will resolve it, but finding the right place to do so might be the trick.
- Cory_Blankenshi
So the solution I used that worked was to create a wildcard JSON-type parameter and referenced the JSON profile to it. That fixed the issue.
Thanks for your help!
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