3 TopicsSalesforce Parameter Exception Question
We are rolling out a Salesforce application and we have a request that is being blocked due to a parameter in the following format: {"ORDER_HEADER":{"INVOICE_HEADER":{"APPLICATION":"Some Application Name","APPLICATION_USER":"Some User ID","INVOICE_NBR":"some invoice number"}}} I've never created a parameter exception to handle a parameter in that format. I thought creating a parameter using a regular expression would be the way to go, but I'm not sure if that's the right approach. Any advice you have on how to handle parameters like this would be greatly appreciated as I think we may see this again in the future. Thanks!271Views0likes6CommentsSalesforce SP, SSO, f5 as IDP, and AD
Hello I am trying to configure my salesforce app to use SSO with federation ID. It will be asking for loging info to an f5 firewall that is also connected to an Active Directory service. I am able to see the SAML2 response which is:" xmlns:saml2p="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol" Version="2.0">">">" />" />" />">" PrefixList="xs" />" /> ykJFK+A+Fa/QW9ogm5cQRQxwr90= YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx jcabrerazuniga" /> urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:PasswordProtectedTransport I do not understand why I can not see the attribute's data i.e. values for lasname, firstname, etc. Can you please assist me? I changed som alues for security purposes (Ex.: ZZZZZ, XXXX, YYYY etc)297Views0likes2CommentsChatter client will not authorize
We have a APM policy to authenticate Salesforce users via SAML and it is working very well. When we try to authorize a Chatter client, the process works as expected (login page etc.) but it never authorizes, just hangs. I have set message boxes at each step of the policy and everything goes as expected to the point of the SAML assertion. Since the policy works perfectly fine for accessing Salesforce it looks that the Chatter authorization process needs something more. If a user already had Chatter installed the APM policy authenticates them without issue just like accessing Salesforce. Some documentation refers to the relay state being very important for Chatter. I have not been able to determine what the relay should look like or be. Does anyone know what the relay state needs to be? Know of a different solution for the Chatter authorization?225Views0likes0Comments