Forum Discussion

Ali_3598's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 09, 2012

Route Health injection for site failover



We have the scenario where we implemented two pairs of LTM at each site; we want to have an active standby scenario, where the traffic can not be FQDN based; we want to achieve this by using the RHI feature.



Can this be achievable using the Advanced routing module; is there any scenario where this was implemented; where the same VIP is configured in each site?



Best Regards,





  • it can be achieved exactly like you wanted.


    same address can exist on both sites.



    address X will be redistributed using RHI in both sites.


    you need to make sure that the routing protocol considers your main site as preferred.



    in case main site fails completely or the VIP is down due to monitor failure all traffic will get routed to the backup site.