Forum Discussion

Kleyton's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 05, 2022

Rewriting the host and port in the request and response to the server


Hey guys.
I'm trying to perform the host and port rewrite but it still doesn't work. 

BIG-IP Build 0.0.28 Point Release 2

The scenario is:
Two pairs of App1 and App2 servers. App1 Service Provider and App2 Identity Provider.
Outside users must access via IP. The internal network users by name.
The application does not allow the exchange to configure access by IP and FQDN at the same time.
When accessing App1, the user is redirected to App2, after authentication and redirected to App1.
In summary, I would like that in all communication between the user and the servers the FQDN:PORTA is replaced by IP:PORTA.

I'm using iRules for this, but without success. I create one rule per block.

if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "app1.dnf.local:443" } {
set uri [string map -nocase {"app1.dnf.local:8282" ""} [HTTP::uri]]
HTTP::uri $uri

if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "app2.dnf.local:443" } {
set uri [string map -nocase {"app2.dnf.local:9251" ""} [HTTP::uri]]
HTTP::uri $uri

if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "app1.dnf.local:443" } {
set uri [string map -nocase {"app1.dnf.local:8282" ""} [HTTP::uri]]
HTTP::uri $uri

if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "app2.dnf.local:443" } {
set uri [string map -nocase {"app2.dnf.local:9251" ""} [HTTP::uri]]
HTTP::uri $uri

Thanks a lot for the help

  • no need to change the port if it is the default port for backend pool members but if not you can create a new pool with this port and configure LTM policy with condition that request URL to map  traffic to new pool and rewreite the URI. its way easire to use LTM policy.

    in response i this that it rewrite the URI in case of redirect traffic only but am not sure.

    • Kleyton's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Hello Ahmed

      Sorry for along delay. I tried via Irule but nothing. So that I tried via STREAM but nothing also.

      I will procced by other approach.

      Thanks a lot for your help.

      • Leslie_Hubertus's avatar
        Ret. Employee

        Good luck! Can you tell us what ended up working for you once you've solved the issue?