Rewrite Subdomain
I am wondering about an efficient procedure to search and replace a specific Subdomain in the HOST, What i want to achieve is rewrite the HTTP request toward the server side as follows:
Client Request: ----Should be forwarded to server side as follows:---, Only rewrite the Clust1 to Clust2 in the HOST, noting that the x value is variable DIRx and keep changing so i am unable to achieve the rewrite by simple Rule to replace the whole domain, i want to have a universal rule that can match the DIR# and copy it successfully to the domain when the rewrite happened.
Please can you guide me if there is any useful workaround.
Code above is case sensitive on HTTP::host match.
If you want a case-insensitive match you can run this instead
when HTTP_REQUEST { # log local0. "Client requested host: [HTTP::host]" if { [string tolower [HTTP::host]] starts_with "dir" && [string tolower [HTTP::host]] contains "clust1" }{ HTTP::header replace Host [string map {"clust1" "clust2"}[string tolower [HTTP::host]]] # log local0. "Modified host: [HTTP::host]" } }
Oct 17 15:43:07 bigip info tmm7[11345]: Rule /Common/test-iRule <HTTP_REQUEST>: Client requested host: Oct 17 15:43:07 bigip info tmm7[11345]: Rule /Common/test-iRule <HTTP_REQUEST>: Modified host: