RestAPI displaying throughput data in wrong formatting (possible packets) instead of bps or Mbps
Developing a custom UI & fetching throughput data w/ python using API endpoint https://mgmt_IP/mgmt/tm/sys/performance/throughput
Attached photo is the raw data I am pulling, which doesn't make sense. After researching, I am seeing BUG ID: 1060769 might be creating issue & possibly displaying raw data in packets per second, rather than the expected bits per second (bps)
I need to be able to pull the correct data & display in Mbps after converting from bps so it's human-readable
(Dashboard shows average throughput "in/out" is fluctuating between 30-35Mbps) ~ which is the correct data.
Tmos version i'm running is 17.1.1
Is this possible? Or is this a bug still affecting version 17.1.1?
Thanks for the help!