Forum Discussion

james_lee_31100's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 17, 2017

Replacing blade on Viprion

Hi, Everyone:


I have an HA pair of Viprion with old B2100, one in each chassis, I am planning to replace it with B2150.


I saw some document, some suggestion to use UCS file, the other suggestion is to use SCF files.


any catches I need to be aware? If someone has already done that, and can show the procedure that will be great help.




  • Yes. Some times while loading ucs file you will receive password errors.


    If you know all the master passwords for your configuration just nullify the passwords on bigip.conf file (Configure as null) and provide below command.


    tmsh load /sys config


    Then you can change passwords manually.


    Hope this helps.


    • james_lee_31100's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Thanks, since we have password on cert/key, might need to reload the masterkey.


    • james_lee_31100's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Thanks, since we have password on cert/key, might need to reload the masterkey.


  • Replacing a VIPRION with a single blade, is almost the same as replacing any other hardware like a 2000s.


    The chassis has no configuration, so if you remove the single blade, there will no configuration there.


    Use the UCS with the platform-migrate option: