Forum Discussion
Reorder URL
Dears i need help !!!!!!!
I have a Url lets say when clients access this url , it assigns a "tmx" in the middle of the url.
What i want is when the clients access the below url
Notice that “?tmx=1676539770970” is coming in the middle, while i want it to be at the end to be like this
mj16othman It seems like this is the application inserting the text in the incorrect location of the URI if you have to reorder it. For simplicitys sake I recommend working on the application to insert the text in the appropriate location rather than doing this in an iRule as a bandaid. Now once you have explored that avenue of change and you are 100% that it cannot be done in the application then I would do it in an iRule. In order to configure this rule a bit easier, do you know the length that the string will always be or is this a string that is random in length but always starts with a ? and end with a #? Will this value only ever be integers from 0 t 9?
- mj16othman
hi paulius
yes the string will always come after the ? The real length will always be 13 integers example tmx=1676539770970
mj16othman I think the following might do what you want but I'm not 100% so you might want to test this before putting it into production.
when HTTP_REQUEST priority 500 { if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/product/?tmz=" } { set PATH_TO_MOVE [string range [HTTP::uri] [expr {[string first "?tmz=" [HTTP::uri]] + 5}] 13] set REMOVE_CONTENT [string map [list "\?tmz=[0-9]{13}" "" ] [HTTP::uri]] HTTP::redirect http://[HTTP::host]${REMOVE_CONTENT}/?tmz=${PATH_TO_MOVE} } }
Rewriting on the F5 isn't possible. The hash-sign is called a 'fragment' and sometimes called an 'anchor'. They are used localy inside the webbrowser and are not send in the HTTP request. Therefor the '#/motor/lead' can't be rewritten as it does not reach the F5.
For more detailed information about the fragement URLs, see:
mj16othman can you tell how you proceeded?
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