Forum Discussion
Feb 01, 2024Rename F5 LTM Partition
Hello All, I have created two partition on an LTM and now need to change the name of partition without deleting or loosing any data of it. Could you please share any article/steps to do that? Th...
Feb 02, 2024
The following may help. You should only attempt this during a scheduled maintenance window. You will also need to ensure that the new partition name does not already exist.
1. Create a Backup UCS File
save sys ucs /shared/tmp/BACKUP-BEFORE-RENAMING-PARTITION.ucs
2. Enable the MV command
modify sys db mcpd.mvenabled value true
3. Move the Partition
cd /
mv sys folder <OLD PARTITION NAME> to-folder <NEW PARTITION NAME>
4. Delete the Old Partition
delete auth partition <OLD PARTITION NAME>
5. Reset the MV Command Back to Default Setting
modify sys db mcpd.mvenabled reset-to-default
6. Save the Config
save sys config
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