Forum Discussion

cgallimore_1748's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 12, 2016

Remote Desktop Resources - printer redirection

I have looked around and haven't found much about printer redirection with the F5's Remote Desktop Resource. When you launch one of the resources from the WebTop you can see the printers are redirected, however it does not print properly using the Easy Print driver. I have found a workaround to install the various drivers on the RDS server but this is tedious and not scalable. Another way I tried to do this was to create an App Tunnel resource to the server over 3389 and use the launch application tab to launch the mstsc.exe with the server name, etc. However this does not have the SSO capabilities for the user experience, that I know of, but does use the Easy Print driver very well using this method.


I was wondering what everyone else is doing that has the need to present the users with a Remote Desktop Resource or if anyone has a viable workaround to this issue.


  • Unfortunately 3rd party DLL over RDP virtual channels can't work with APM's current RDP implementation. This means you can't use Screwdrivers or Easy Print.


    Eventually the current mechanism of ActiveX-RDP will be replaced with a MUCH better one that supports MSRDP Applications and Desktops using the native MSTSC in any web browser. The release to support this should come out in mid to late 2016.


  • Lucas_Thompson_'s avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Unfortunately 3rd party DLL over RDP virtual channels can't work with APM's current RDP implementation. This means you can't use Screwdrivers or Easy Print.


    Eventually the current mechanism of ActiveX-RDP will be replaced with a MUCH better one that supports MSRDP Applications and Desktops using the native MSTSC in any web browser. The release to support this should come out in mid to late 2016.


    • cgallimore_1748's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Thanks for the reply Lucas. I look forward to seeing this update. Just wish it would come sooner. :)
    • Baddogsettle_16's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Any update on this release?


      I am running 12.1.1 HF1. I have an RDP VS configured to load balance 3389 to multiple backend Microsoft RDS servers. I then have a VS to present the webtop and Remote Desktop profile that points to the RDP VS. This works great except for printing.


      When I use my RDP client through the RDP VS (bypassing the webtop VS), I can print. When I browser through the Webtop VS, connect to the Remote Desktop profile, printing does not work. I do have Drives and Printers enabled in my Remote Desktop profile.


      Mike S.


    • The-messenger_1's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Anything new on this? I have the same issue. Do we have MSRDP support now, in 12.1?