Forum Discussion

Gill_32697's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 03, 2013

redirects with get / post

We have created iRules to perform redirects on existing web services. All the rules appear to work correctly when performing a HTTPGet. However, when connecting from another application, the request comes across as an HTTPPost and is never redirected. I have verfied in the IIS logs that the request is never sent to its final destination (the server trying to redirect to). Is this something that can be fixed on the iRule, profile or the vip?


below is my irule.


when HTTP_REQUEST { if { ([string tolower [HTTP::host]]) contains "" } { switch -glob -- [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] { "akcelrons.asmx" { HTTP::redirect "" } "credispher.asmx" { HTTP::redirect "" } "interfaceser.asmx" { HTTP::redirect "" } ::"meridian.asmx" { HTTP::redirect "[HTTP::uri]" } "unitysale.asmx" { HTTP::redirect "" } "unitywep.asmx" { HTTP::redirect "" } "weblott.asmx" { HTTP::redirect "" } } } }