Forum Discussion
Jul 08, 2011Nimbostratus
Redirecting to regional website depending on user DNS.
Hey all, I'm quite new to F5 irules first of all.
Perhaps I'll tell you what I have working first and then explain to you what additional things I'd like to do.
What I have working
When somebody goes to it looks at their dns location and redirects it to their a regional website, in my example here, its Ireland and UK. So when somebody goes to this website when in Ireland it will redirect them to and to when in the UK.
I have two pools setup, one for ireland and one for the UK.
Global traffic irule
if {[whereis [IP::client_addr]] contains "IE"} {
pool pool-Ireland
} elseif {[whereis [IP::client_addr]] contains "GB"} {
pool pool-UK
} else {
pool pool-default
pool-UK Local traffic irule
if {[HTTP::uri] equals "/" } {
HTTP::respond 302 Location ""
pool-Ireland Local traffic irule
if {[HTTP::uri] equals "/"} {
HTTP::respond 302 Location ""
What Im looking to do
Im looking to enhance this like so:
For example when somebody is located in the UK types the irule would redirect them to the UK website but including the static page they requested,
When somebody is located in irealnd they type the irule would redirect them to
What I'm afriad though is that if somebody based in Ireland but for some reason had a UK ip address and visa versa, typed in, it would still re-direct them to the website. So in other words they would never be able to get to the .com/ireland website.
So would it be possible to include a rule that would not allow this to occur.
Maybe the rule might say, if they type in, do not put it though an irule?
Any help is appreciated, my brain is melting trying to get working code for this!
Thanks alot!
- Peter_72728NimbostratusI don't think the logic to add URI rewriting that retains the requested URI (i.e. www.fakewebsite.CO.UK/pictures) would be too hard. In fact you might get away with something like this in your pool-UK Local traffic irule:
- nrelihan_68143NimbostratusHey Peter, thanks for your response. Your correct, in your response to my last question. I did'nt think it through correctly.
IRELAND POOL when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [string tolower [HTTP::host]] equals "" \ and [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] starts_with "/ireland"} { HTTP::respond 302 Location[HTTP::uri] } else { HTTP::respond 302 Location[HTTP::uri] } } UK POOL when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [string tolower [HTTP::host]] equals "" \ and [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] starts_with "/ireland"} { HTTP::respond 302 Location[HTTP::uri] } else { HTTP::respond 302 Location[HTTP::uri] } }
- Peter_72728NimbostratusOne issue I see at first glance...These expressions will not work because HTTP::host does not contain the protocol...
- Peter_72728NimbostratusThis looks like it would allow a redirect loop. Why do you need to do anything in this case? The domain is already correct and the "/ireland" context already exists.
- nrelihan_68143NimbostratusSorry Peter I dont follow, what do you mean they dont contain the protocol?
- nrelihan_68143Nimbostratusyes your code is a lot more efficient than what I had,
- Peter_72728NimbostratusCorrect!
- The_BhattmanNimbostratusHi Neil,
- Colin_Walker_12Historic F5 AccountJust out of curiosity, is there a reason you're using HTTP::respond 302 Location rather than just using HTTP::redirect?
- Colin_Walker_12Historic F5 AccountWorth noting: I ask because the HTTP::redirect command issues a 302 by default.
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