Jun 27, 2023Altostratus
Redirect the domain name on URL, but keep path as the original URI path
Hi All,
I'm trying to create an iRule which help me to redirect only the domain name. For example
I want to redirect www.example.com/europe/login to www.dr-example.com/europe/login
or www.example.com/usa/login to www.dr-example.com/usa/login
There are several paths available, and any path that the user attempts should be redirected to the new domain name + path
Hi NN ,
you can do it with this :when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::host] equals "www.example.com"} { HTTP::redirect "https://www.dr-example.com[HTTP::path]" } }
using [HTTP::path] >>> Returns your path in each URI.
so if path changed in each request , redirection will happen only on host name and keep the path as it is.
GoodLuck 🙂