Forum Discussion

Zdenda's avatar
Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
Jul 27, 2012

redirect / uri change with POST data

Hi, I know here are some articles about this, but I still can't resolve my issue.



Client is connecting to VIP and I need to change URI of his request.


I tried redirect, but client was posting some data in original request and those data was lost after redirection. Then I tried just URI change withtou redirect, data stayed on client request but for some reason they were modified...



I am now trying to work with HTTP::payload to achieve original data, perform redirect and put those data to new connection, but I am still not succesful.



Did anybody resolved something like this?


Thanks, Zdenek


  • nathe's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus



    I don't know if you're referring to this Codeshare article, but in case you haven't seen it...





    Whilst this is a particular script to redirect to https, the variable could be changed according to your specific scenario.



    Hope this helps,


  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Why wouldn't rewriting the URI work? Is the URI also encapsulated in the request payload?



    Else, another option would be to rewrite the response payload that generates the POST to the "wrong" URI. You could do this with a stream profile and STREAM::expression iRule.





  • Thanks you for advices, finally it was solved by software people. Anyway using stream seems for me quite elegant solution when just URI change didnt work...