Feb 08, 2012Nimbostratus
Redesigning of the Environment
Our current environment has an Active/Standby Pair, We are going to be upgrading to 11.1.0. However, during this upgrade time we would like to make some drastic changes to the way the F5s function. The biggest changes that need to happen are that we now have the need to build out Partitions & Route Domains.
Once the Current environment is built out with the prospective Partitions and RDs move the traffic over to the newly provisioned F5 for testing and verification. If the testing competes, upgrade the 10.2.1 system up to 11.1.0. Then do a config sync to Update to the current/new config. If the testing fails just fail the traffic back to the 10.1.0 system and revert the changes 11.1.0 system.
Can we use the config Sync option to push all the changes?
Has anyone done this kind of config swing before?
Are there any issues I should plan for?