Forum Discussion
Feb 27, 2013Rate Shaping
I'm cutting over a VS from ZXTM (zeus traffic manager) to F5 but there is something i don't understand. there is a rule for rate shaping on there basically certain IP range ( are rate limited to
max_rate_per_minute =360
max_rate_per_second: 6
is this possible on the F5
- Angelo
i set a rate limit but in bandwidth 3600Kbs with a irule but i need to know if it will work... - nitass
isn't it number of requests? - Angelo
thanks Niass - Angelo
Hi Niass - Angelo
Hi Niass - Angelo
And doesn't look like the rate shapeing is working... - nitass
And doesn't look like the rate shapeing is working...i do not think rate shaping counts number of requests/connections. - Angelo
well i decided to rate shape them to 512 only thing i could think of but i don't know if it's working... - What_Lies_Bene1
Nitass, does the VS need to have a least one Rate Class applied in order for this to work? - nitass
does the VS need to have a least one Rate Class applied in order for this to work?i do not think it is required.[root@ve10:Active] config b virtual bar list virtual bar { snat automap pool gw destination any:any mask rules myrule } [root@ve10:Active] config b rule myrule list rule myrule { when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { rateclass class1 } } [root@ve10:Active] config b rate class class1 list rate class class1 { rate 296bps ceiling 296bps drop policy tail type sfq } [root@ve10:Active] config b rate class class1 RATE CLASS class1 | limits (base, ceiling, burst) = (296bps, 296bps, 0B) | bytes (base, burst, queue) = (786, 0, 2346) | drops (pkts, bytes) tail = (0, 0), random = (0, 0), total = (0, 0) | 4s avg = 10Bps
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