Hi Josh,
i'll definitely pass the BASIC/Forms auth irule once its finished. The feature set is already too cool to not to share it :)
+ Flexible Forms/BASIC auth engine with client detection
+ Authentication to Sideband HTTP repository (e.g. BASIC / Forms / Webservice).
+ Session table driven session management with layered caching
+ iRule based static/dynamic web server hosting the forms pages (e.g. original exchange forms logon).
+ Multi language support for login page / graphics.
+ Support for german umlaute and other special chars (username password).
+ Support for Private/Public cookie/timeout settings.
+ Adaptive Account Lockout and DoS quotas.
+ Support for Tarpit'ed 401 / auth denied redirects.
+ URI filtering and Exchange specific redirects.
+ BASIC delgation or Authorization passthrouh mode
+ Tons of directly exposed RULE_INIT settings.
I hope i get a first PoC till end of the month. Looking forward to hear your comments and feature requests then...