Forum Discussion

Robert_47833's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Apr 21, 2011

question in http::cookie secure





set myValues [HTTP::cookie names]


foreach mycookie $myValues




if {$mycookie == "cjj_INFO"}




Do nothing.




if {$mycookie == "cjj_SESS"}




Do nothing.




else {


HTTP::cookie secure $mycookie enable










If there is a http response include cjj_INFO and other cookie like,cjj_test,will they be set secure flag with respect to this irule



Because I don't know if I didn't set action or statement ,what will happen to the traffic?



Can some one help me?



Thanks very much
  • >I didn't set action or statement ,what will happen to the traffic?

    traffic will be processed normally.

    btw, i adjusted the irule to make it easily readable. anyway, i've not tested it out. pls feel free to revise.

    when HTTP_RESPONSE { 
       foreach myCookie [HTTP::cookie names] { 
          if {not ($myCookie equals "cjj_INFO" or $myCookie equals "cjj_SESS")} { 
             HTTP::cookie secure $myCookie enable 
  • Hello jucao,

    The iRule above shows to be a valid iRule when I compile it in the F5 iRule Editor. (You should get that if you don't already have it... it's awesome). The iRule above should look at the cookies in the headers and if it cookies are not named cjj_INFO or CJJ_SESS then it will set the secure flag on the response. Just an FYI according to the documentation if you set the response flag to secure on a cookie that is already secure nothing will happen to the cookie. It will stay secure and will not be detrimental in any way.

    Here is an iRule similar to the one above that might also work:

    when HTTP_RESPONSE {
    set mycookienames [HTTP::cookie names] 
    foreach cookie $mycookienames if !{ $mycookienames contains "cjj_INFO" or "cjj_SESS" } {
    HTTP::cookie secure $mycookienames enable 
  • oh,thanks nitass ,naladar






    set myValues [HTTP::cookie names]


    foreach mycookie $myValues




    if {$mycookie == "cjj_INFO"}




    Do nothing.




    if {$mycookie == "cjj_SESS"}




    Do nothing.




    else {


    HTTP::cookie secure $mycookie enable










    my irule has one issue


    the cjj_info will be set a secure flag in the second if statement,right?


  • >the cjj_info will be set a secure flag in the second if statement,right?


    yes, i think so.
  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    I think it would be simpler to use a switch on the cookie value:

    when HTTP_RESPONSE {
       foreach mycookie [HTTP::cookie names] {
          switch $mycookie {
             "cjj_INFO" -
             "cjj_SESS" {
                 Do nothing.
             default {
                HTTP::cookie secure $mycookie enable
