Forum Discussion

What_Lies_Bene1's avatar
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Nov 03, 2014

Puppet F5 SOAP Module - Creating Classes

Hi all,


I'm currently working on automating F5 builds using Puppet. The module here: is pretty poorly documented and I've found quite a few errors in the code (note the three pull requests). I've also had to write a fair number of my own providers to configure what I need to (hopefully I can publish these sometime soon).


Funnily enough I've an issue with one of the 'built-in' providers: f5_string_class. Has anyone had any success using this one? If so, did you have to correct or modify anything?


Thanks in advance.


  • I resolved this myself but not in a particularly elegant way. I changed line 102 of the provider file from this;

    message = { classes: { items: { name: resource[:name], members: { items: [] }}}}

    to this;

    message = { classes: { items: { name: resource[:name], members: { items: [:members] }}}}

    Essentially, iControl will not accept a null value for a member item/key. Unfortunately, putting in any value results in a member/key with that name that is created and then deleted. Using [''] resulted in a blank (but very present) member item/key.

    It would be nice if this could instead be the first member specified in the manifest but this is beyond my current skills.