Forum Discussion
Jul 01, 2011Nimbostratus
Proxypass i Rule Help
Hi Iam trying to do site direction from to using proxypass irule. However, the traffic seem to be actually not getting redirected but just the header values changed and still sent to my inside virtual server hosted behind BIG-IP config. The reason I choose proxypass over simple http redirect is to keep the connection open so I can get the connection back from user when he is done with forums etc...
My questions are:
1) am I correct in choosing proxypass irule for for this kind of redirection ??
2) how do I make the proxypass irule actually send the traffic to which is hosted else where on the internet ??
- hoolioCirrostratusHi RX,
- RajX_87248NimbostratusThanks Aaron... that gives me something to work towards. I deinetely wants to hide the external URL so proxypass is the best choice.
- hoolioCirrostratusSo you can set up the proxypass config datagroup like this:
- RajX_87248NimbostratusOK now It's working perfect for the /subdirectories but however I am trying to do another layer of subdirectories and its failing.
- RajX_87248Nimbostratusbtw, my datagroup entry would be like this:
- RajX_87248NimbostratusOK finally I got it working.... Thanks to the Proxypass dev team and Aaron for troubleshooting tips.
- fLyf5_21542NimbostratusHello RajX
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