properly return 304?
Hi, folks, I know this looks "f5-irrelevant" but bear with me a moment.
Problem: Database getting pounded on app cache rebuild
Symptom: Too many connections to database
Desired solution: To have the F5 return a properly crafted 304 response so that the caller understands that his request has not changed, based on a URI, which is taken from an external data file, presumably type "String"
in v9 and v10, I need help on:
* writing a properly crafted 304 response
* constructing an external data file and an iRule that makes use of this data file; if the DB is overloaded, I want the data file to contain a universal match, while if the DB is not overloaded, I want the data file to contain a string that is not likely to match, because in the iRule, if the incoming URI matches the class lookup in the file, it is to send out the properly crafted 304, while if there is no match, the request is simply passed through.
[This was previously listed as "need to test for the existence of a file". Ostensibly it would be cool just to have it send back the content of a file if it exists but not to error out if it DOESN'T exist.]
One Very Confused iRule Student.