Forum Discussion

John_Heyer_1508's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Dec 13, 2015

Proper syntax for using quotes in monitors send/recv?

For http monitors, we generally look at our application's status page. This returns the output from various tests, with both the test name and result surrounded by quotes. It's my understanding that quotes need to be prefaced with a backslash in order for them to be properly processed.

I didn't have any problems with this until I tried "load sys config" from TMSH, and realized it's not liking the syntax:

(Active)(/Common)(tmos) create ltm monitor http MyMon send 'GET /MyApp/Status\r\n' recv '\"httpStatus\":\"OK\"'

(Active)(/Common)(tmos) load sys config
Loading configuration...
01070642:3: Monitor /Common/MyMon parameter contains unescaped " escape with backslash.
Unexpected Error: Loading configuration process failed.