Forum Discussion

Fredrik_Johnsso's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 22, 2017

Problems with IdP Automation

We have been trying for a while to get the IdP Automation to work. The Metadata URL is accessible by BIG-IP, we have verified that using curl in an SSH terminal. Every time BIG-IP wants to update/create the IdP, the following error message is written to the saml_automation.log file:


Error in create/modify of idp connector /Common/[IdP-name-based-on-config] Error: result { result_code 17237778 result_message "01070712:3: apm aaa saml-idp-connector /Common/[IdP-name-based-on-config] unable to parse metadata file /tmp/testout.xml" }


The following error message is written to the LTM log:


f5 err mcpd[4958]: 01070712:3: Caught configuration exception (0), apm aaa saml-idp-connector /Common/[IdP-name-based-on-config] unable e to parse metadata file /tmp/testout.xml.


Unfortunately the file /tmp/testout.xml does not exist. During the update process another file, /tmp/xml_meta.xml, is created but it gets immediately deleted.


Has anyone seen this behaviour before and managed to solve it?


  • Same problem here with v12.1.2 HF2:

    Dec  1 11:26:40 f5-01 err mcpd[6777]: 01070712:3: Caught configuration exception (0), apm aaa saml-sp-connector saml_sp_spname unable to parse metadata file /var/tmp/1512123983004.upload.

    SAML-SP Metadata is from Univention (UCS).