Forum Discussion

Aldo_Ivan_3148's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 24, 2011

Problem with style sheets ccs

Hi everyone! I'm new in this forum and i have a problem with balance servers.



I have an application that use style sheets ccs and html, and the F5 balance a pool of servers with the same information, but when i log in by F5 through direction IP of FQDN the web site don't show the style css correctly by this page, and when i log in to any server the web page load sucessfully.



I configurated a vifrtual server with persistence through cokiee and source address but didn't work.



And I have an Irule, but i don't think that the Irule be the problem.





log local0. "host = [HTTP::host]"


log local0. "uri = [HTTP::uri]"


log local0. "path = [HTTP::path]"


if { ( [HTTP::uri] contains "/ProductManager" or [HTTP::uri] contains "/LRImage" or [HTTP::uri] contains "/servlet" or [HTTP::uri] contains "/QS" or [HTTP::uri] contains "/svgStore" or [HTTP::uri] contains "/?activity") } {


log local0. "Seleccion de Pool Product Manager"


persist source_addr


pool pool_pm


} else {


log local0. "Seleccion de Pool Digital Imaging"


persist none


pool pool_di







The other configuration of the virtual server is tipycal.



Does anyone know what is the problem?



I hope you can help me!





  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Aldo,

    A switch statement should be more efficient and simpler to administer. I've added a bit more logging as well. Can you try testing this iRule and see whether the CSS requests are being sent to the correct pool?

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
       log local0. "host = [HTTP::host]"
       log local0. "uri = [HTTP::uri]"
       log local0. "path = [HTTP::path]"
       switch -glob [HTTP::uri] {
          "*/ProductManager*" -
          "*/LRImage*" -
          "*/servlet*" -
          "*/QS*" -
          "*/svgStore*" -
          "*/\\?activity*" {
             log local0. "Seleccion de Pool Product Manager for [HTTP::uri]"
             persist source_addr
             pool pool_pm
          default {
            log local0. "Seleccion de Pool Digital Imaging for [HTTP::uri]"
            persist none
            pool pool_di
