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alex100_194614's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 03, 2016

Problem with stream iRule and SAML idp redirect

Running into following issue here. We have a sharepoint site with web servers listening on some high port and using internal hostname. On the SharePoint virtual server I am applying fallowing iRule to do the html parsing and host header translation:


    Disable the stream filter for all requests by default

    LTM does not uncompress response content, so if the server has compression enabled
    and it cannot be disabled on the server, we can prevent the server from 
    sending a compressed response by removing the compression offerings from the client
   HTTP::header remove "Accept-Encoding"

   if {[info exists stream_expr]}{ unset stream_expr }
         This we want replace 
        set stream_expr "@http://sharepoint.something.somedomain.root:14775@"
         make sure we have a var to crosscheck before we enable the rewrite in the response
        set SPresponse 1
    when HTTP_RESPONSE {                                                                                                         nable the rewrite to fix the hostnames                                                                                                if {[info exists SPresponse]}{

    Check if response type is ...
   if {[HTTP::header value Content-Type] contains "application/json" || [HTTP::header value Content-Type] contains "text/html" || [HTTP::header value Content-Type] contains "text/xml"} {

       if {[info exists stream_expr]} { 
         STREAM::expression $stream_expr 

When SP initiated, SAML IDP process request and redirect me back to my SharePoint Site. However, it seems like before the redirect from IDP gets processed by SAML SP, it gets translated by the irule and SAML authentication process never comes to the completion resulting in 404. When iRule is not being applied it seems like SAML authentication comes to completion but of course the site would not work.

Any idea how to work around this issue.

  • Hi Alex,

    For for the VIP targeting VIP solution to get around APM-Stream Profile conflicts, below is a basic view of what the config would look like:

    ltm virtual vs_external {
    ip-protocol tcp
    profiles {
        clientssl_profile {
            context clientside
        stream_profile { }
        http { }
        tcp { }
    rules {
    ltm virtual vs_internal {
    ip-protocol tcp
    profiles {
        example_accesspolicy { }
        http { }
        rba { }
        tcp { }
        websso { }
    ltm rule forward_internal_virtual {
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    virtual vs_internal
  • AP's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
    Hi Alex, So, does this same Virtual Server that you have applied the above iRule to also have an APM Policy with an SP Resource (SAML Auth)? A few points in the meantime, although I can't say that they will solve your issue. The 404 error sounds like your requesting an invalid resource/uri. Have you performed any captures? I notice you're using HTTP_REQUEST_RELEASE. I think you also need to use HTTP_RESPONSE_RELEASE with APM instead of HTTP_RESPONSE. I've had varying results when using Stream Profiles on Virtual Servers with APM as a SAML IDP or SP. Have you noticed any errors in the logs? In those cases I had to create an external VS with the Stream Profile and target another VS with the APM Policy.
  • AP's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
    Sorry for the blob of text, seems comments don't get the same formatting tools as Answers...
  • Hi Alex,

    Don't know if this fixes your problem, but you should keep in mind that

    translates HTTP responses and HTTP requests. So if you don't require HTTP request stream replacements, then better move
    event. Otherwise it may have unintentional side effects on post data...

    when HTTP_REQUEST {

    In addition, you could use a HTTP-Compression profile instead of the

    HTTP::header remove "Accept-Encoding"
    command. This would allow you to still remove the Accept-Encoding header on the server side (its a default setting) but without losing client side compression.

    Cheers, Kai

  • In LTM log I am seen this: TCL error: /Common/irulename_link_rewrite - Operation not supported (line 1) invoked from within "STREAM::disable" In APM Log: Mar 3 18:06:59 QC-BIGIP-03 err apd[12434]: 01490000:3: HTTPParser.cpp func: "readFromSocket()" line: 209 Msg: error while reading from socket Connection reset by peer Mar 3 18:06:59 QC-BIGIP-03 err apd[12434]: 01490000:3: AccessPolicyD.cpp func: "process_request()" line: 765 Msg: EXCEPTION AccessPolicyD.cpp line:676 function: process_request - error 2 reading/parsing response from socket Mar 3 18:06:59 QC-BIGIP-03 debug apd[12434]: 01490000:7: AccessPolicyD.cpp func: "sendAccessPolicyResponse()" line: 1835 Msg: send 'error' code Mar 3 18:06:59 QC-BIGIP-03 err apd[12434]: 01490085:3: : Response could not be sent to remote client. Socket error: Broken pipe Mar 3 18:06:59 QC-BIGIP-03 debug apd[12434]: 01490000:7: AccessPolicyD.cpp func: "process_request()" line: 776 Msg: ** done with the request processing ** Mar 3 18:06:59 QC-BIGIP-03 warning tmm[16831]: 01490531:4: d3ae9f1d: Detected invalid host header (). Mar 3 18:06:59 QC-BIGIP-03 notice tmm[16831]: 01490501:5: d3ae9f1d: Session deleted due to user logout request. If I remove the APM policy the iRule doesn't seem to triger anything in the log and it works. Also it seems that changing HTTP_RESPONSE to HTTP_RESPONSE_RELEASE breaks the irule in my case... I wonder if there is a way to exclude a specific uri from being translated... I am new to stream profile. Thanks for the help..
  • AP's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
    Hi Alex, That error is what I also experienced and should be caused by a conflict with APM's use of Stream under the hood. You can try the VIP targeting VIP solution I mentioned earlier. I'll put together an example VS config for you shortly.
  • AP's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Hi Alex,

    For for the VIP targeting VIP solution to get around APM-Stream Profile conflicts, below is a basic view of what the config would look like:

    ltm virtual vs_external {
    ip-protocol tcp
    profiles {
        clientssl_profile {
            context clientside
        stream_profile { }
        http { }
        tcp { }
    rules {
    ltm virtual vs_internal {
    ip-protocol tcp
    profiles {
        example_accesspolicy { }
        http { }
        rba { }
        tcp { }
        websso { }
    ltm rule forward_internal_virtual {
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    virtual vs_internal
    • alex100_194614's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Andrew, Thanks for the advice. I was able to work around with layered virtual server. It seems like an old bug known for ages. Everything worked out at the end.
  • Hi Alex,

    For for the VIP targeting VIP solution to get around APM-Stream Profile conflicts, below is a basic view of what the config would look like:

    ltm virtual vs_external {
    ip-protocol tcp
    profiles {
        clientssl_profile {
            context clientside
        stream_profile { }
        http { }
        tcp { }
    rules {
    ltm virtual vs_internal {
    ip-protocol tcp
    profiles {
        example_accesspolicy { }
        http { }
        rba { }
        tcp { }
        websso { }
    ltm rule forward_internal_virtual {
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    virtual vs_internal
    • alex100_194614's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Andrew, Thanks for the advice. I was able to work around with layered virtual server. It seems like an old bug known for ages. Everything worked out at the end.