Forum Discussion

Samit_jadhav_33's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 27, 2018

Probe query

If the front end and backend virtual port has the port set to tcp 8569 then how we could test whether the connection works?


Probe port tcp 8569 Virtual port tcp 8569 Service port tcp 8569


What command do we need to initiate for testing the connection.


  • When you say If the front end and backend virtual port ... You are talking about virtual server?. I not so sure about the answer. The TCP probe has to be in the pool. In LTM--> Monitor you have the options of the monitor, including the interval used to probe.


    Interval5 seconds Timeout16 seconds Send String Receive String Receive Disable String ReverseNo TransparentNo Alias Address* All Addresses Alias Service Port* All Ports AdaptiveDisabled


    • Samit_jadhav's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

      Yes, I mean the virtual port is set to tcp 8569. Could we use the command curl to check the o/p or do we need to use any other command to check whether the url does work for tcp port 8569? Thanks!


    • mplaksin_293271's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Yes, with ssh for example


      GO TO BASH: @(f5-)(cfg-sync Standalone)(/S2-green-P:Active)(/Common)(tmos) bash Execute the command: [@f5-:/S2-green-P:Active:Standalone] ~ telnet 80 Trying Connected to . Escape character is '^]'.


      Use RDexec if you have to specify the route domain:


      [:/S2-green-P:Active:Standalone] ~ rdexec 12 telnet 443 Trying Connected to Escape character is '^]'.