Forum Discussion

xdaudaudau_1509's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 11, 2014

Powershell and iControl : ManagementDeviceGroup.get_list


We are using Powershell and iControl to make some job on our F5 BigIP. I am trying to get the Group Device list with the follow commands line :

01  $f5_server_01 = "servername"
02  $f5_user_01 = "admin"
03  $f5_password_01 = "password"

04  $ic_01 = New-Object iControl.Interfaces
05  $ic_01.initialize("$f5_server_01", "$f5_user_01", "$f5_password_01")
06  $ic_01.ManagementDeviceGroup.get_list()

When every thing is ok, the last line (06) should return something like this :


But some time to time, it is retunring nothing, and I have to wait a while before it come back 😞

Is anyone already get this problem ? Is there any iControl limitation ?

Thank for you help. JB

  • I haven't heard of this issue before. Typically for queries returning large result sets, if you see a delay, it's due to the overhead of generating the large response. But, this method that returns only a list, shouldn't suffer from that issue. What is the utilization of your BIG-IP when you make this call?
  • Hi Joe, Our Big-IP are dedicated to the development. On the dashboard, the CPU usage is about 10%.