Forum Discussion
port forwarding iRule
I have an a virtual server that is accepting traffic on port 443 and I need the traffic forwarded to a pool on port 8081. I am offloading the SSL. Can this be done with an iRule and if so can you provide an example.
Hello Jason.
You can do it directly with basic configuration (not irule is required).
Configure one VS listening in 443 and associate it with a pool which sends requests to port 8081.
- Create node MY_NODE_A
- Create pool MY_POOL with member MY_NODE_A on port 8081
- Create vs MY_VS listening <IP>:443 with pool MY_POOL.
The VS should be created using clientssl profile and ignoring serverssl profile.
Hope this helps. BTW, If your idea is to replicate the normal traffic to a another different pool, I recommend you to check this out.
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